
I am currently a second-year Master’s student at Osaka University, Japan. I am advised by Prof. Yoshinobu Kawahara. Before that, I received my Bachelor degree at Information Security laboratory at Osaka Univesity.

Research Interests

  • AI Security and Privacy
    • Backdoor attacks
    • Membership Inference attacks
    • Adversarial Examples, Adversarial Training
  • Federated Learning
  • Application of AI security


  1. Do Backdoors Assist Membership Inference Attacks?
    Yumeki Goto, Nami Ashizawa, Toshiki Shibahara, Naoto Yanai
    19th EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks(SecureComm 2023)
  2. Privacy-Preserving Taxi-Demand Prediction Using Federated Learning
    Yumeki Goto, Tomoya Matsumoto, Hamada Rizk, Naoto Yanai, Hirozumi Yamaguchi
    Workshop of IEEE SMARTCOMP 2023.